There is a startling lack of information on the web about student loan collections and how to get out of default. This blog will focus on that. What do you do when things go wrong and you cannot repay student loans according to the contract terms and available repayment options? What about public loans versus wild terrain of private student loans?
All of that is for a later date. Right now, welcome. As a Massachusetts attorney specializing in debt law and bankruptcy issues, I look forward to providing information that will be useful to the public.
I am looking forward to more of your posts. I agree that student loans are the next shoe to drop. I have heard so many heartbreaking stories from graduates (and drop outs) who have no way to pay back their loans. I'm sure that, as a bankruptcy attorney, you've also heard far too many stories like that.
ReplyDeleteI also agree that there are far too few options available to borrowers who can't pay. Again, looking forward to your posts.